Friday, July 20, 2012

A Letter To Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert

Dear Representative Gohmert,

A few hours ago you made a statement about the tragedy in Denver, Colorado, that the cause of the shooting was because of the so-called "Attacks of Christianity in America"

You sicken me, not only as a human being, but as a spiritual human being. There are, according to the latest reports at the time of this writing, 12 people who are dead and haven't even been been identified much less buried, yet you are already exploiting this tragedy to push your moralistic beliefs. That is not the behavior of a good Christian person. That is the behavior of a spiritual person of any faith. That is the behavior of hatred.

What happened in Colorado had nothing to do with this fabricated "war on Christianity". It was the behavior of a mentally troubled man. What he was troubled about, I do not know, and neither do you.

And who the fuck are you to tell anyone that the Founding Fathers would have agreed with you? The Founding Fathers did not believe that Christianity and being a good person were mutually inclusive. They did not believe that freedom was only reserved for the spiritual. You are claiming that the most ardent secularists of the 18th century were militant Christians. To claim this is pure ignorance. I also wonder what you would think about a modern politician caught frequenting French brothels... like Ben Franklin was well known for.

I pray for the victims of this tragedy. I pray for their families. I pray for you, that you are forgiven for your evil actions on this dark day, and that you see the error of your ways and personally apologize to every last living victim and families of the victim for your gross exploitation.